BRIAN LAMB, HOST: Daniel Pipes, what is your book "Conspiracy" all about?
Dr. DANIEL PIPES, AUTHOR, "CONSPIRACY": My book "Conspiracy" is
about a way of thinking that originated about two and a half centuries
ago and has had major and terrible consequences for the world.
LAMB: What is a conspiracy?
Dr. PIPES: Well, conspiracy is acollusion among more than one
person to engage in illegal act--activity. But my topic here, despite
the title, is not so much about conspiracies but about conspiracy
theories--the wrong-headed fear of conspiracy, the overwhelming,
overpowering and exaggerated fear of conspiracies.
LAMB: Where do you start?
Dr. PIPES: Well, in a sense, it begins with the origins of man, but
in its political form, it begins in the Crusades, where we find in the
12th, 13th century the beginnings of the fear--the exaggerated fear of
a Jewish conspiracy, an exaggerated fear of a secret society
conspiracy, the Templars in particular. And it grows a little bit
over the centuries, but it's not until about 1750 that it takes a
political form. And it enters into the political arena in a serious
way with the French Revolution, and then grows and ex--gets extended
throughout the 19th century and really, with World War I, becomes a
significant factor in politics and reaches its climax in World War II.
Here in World War II, you have a Hitler, who's consumed with fears of
Jewish conspiracy, and a Stalin, who's consumed with fears of a secret
society conspiracy, of British and American conspiracy. And they
almost take over the world between 1939 and 1941. They fail, of
course. And with the de--destruction of the Nazi empire and then the
Soviet empire, the fear of conspiracies recedes. It's not gone, but
it's certainly far less significant today than it was some 50, 60
years ago.
LAMB: I remember a really early date in there, 10, 11--the year 1000
or something like that where the Jewish conspiracy thing started?
Dr. PIPES: Yes, it was with the origins of the first Crusade, 1096,
that we find the Crusaders spewing theories about Jewish plots against
the Christian world.
LAMB: Who were the Crusaders?
Dr. PIPES: Crusaders were, by and large, well-off aristocratic
Europeans, mostly French, but others as well, mostly knights going off
to win the Holy Land--win what's now Israel--from the Muslims.
LAMB: And so where did this Jewish hatred start, and conspiracy
Dr. PIPES: Well, the Jewish hatred goes back much further to the
very origins of Christianity, seeing Jews as perfidious, as the
killers of Christ; seeing them as people who rejected the--Christ. So
that has antecedents that go way back. But this notion of a
conspiracy of Jews--Jews trying to harm the Christians--that only goes
back to the Crusades and becomes a significant political force only
some 200 or even 150 years ago and culminates with the Nazis.
But, I mean, there is a--the--the key point is there is a history to
this. This is not just ideas that have always been in human minds.
And my focus in this book is not the fear that you and mi--I might
have of our rival in the--in the firm or our neighbor. What I'm
talking about here, primarily, are conspiracy theories to take over
the world, that what--I--I--I give it an ism. I call it conspiracism,
and I think it's like nationalism or fascism or liberalism. It's a
body of ideas. And what's so striking is that over some two
centuries, the body of ideas, whether they be anti-Jewish or
anti-secret society, keep recurring and recurring. They come back
over and over again.
And the ideas which are present today, which we'll no doubt talk
about, one can find their origins very clearly in the 18th century.
Pat Robertson, for example, candidate for president, distinguished
figure in many ways, important person and--he wrote a book in 1991
called "The New World Order" that--that's a pastiche of ideas that
have been current--it's almost a--a--a r--a renewal of a book that was
written in the--in the 1790s. It's using the same ideas, same
fantasies. And there's a--there's a whole literature--a vast
literature of these conspiracy theories, and they range very widely.
I mean, I'm--I'm including, say, the 2,000 books about the death of
John F. Kennedy. I'm thinking about the ideas of Louis Farrakhan,
that there is a white conspiracy or a Jewish conspiracy or a Masonic
conspiracy against blacks. I'm thinking about the far-left ideas that
there's a business conspiracy. They go on and on, and I think their
general effect has been just a--a very, very harmful one on humanity
at large.
LAMB: You say that there's even a--a--a Lincoln limousine tour that
starts at the Dallas Love Field?
Dr. PIPES: Yeah, there's a commercialism as well. That's one
example, but there are a lot of movies, a lot of books, a lot of
stories, a lot of m--there are even museums--for example, in Dallas,
for the Kennedy assassination, but also in New Mexico, for the alleged
UFO landing. It's a--I--I think more broadly speaking their--the
conspiracy theorists fall into two categories: the more serious and
worrisome of those who are politically disaffected, who are at the
extremes of the political spectrum, right of left. But there's a
second phenomenon which is made up of people who are quite prosperous
and don't have any particular problems in life but who are intrigued
by conspiracy theories.
The Kennedy assassination might be the best single example. People
who are just entranced by this, who will pay hundreds of thousands of
dollars for artifacts--original artifacts from the assassination;
people who, less engaged, will go to Dallas and take a tour and can
relive the assassination, and try and figure out for themselves what
actually happened. It's become a cultlike topic and there are movies
and there are books and there are unending discussion groups on the
Internet and the like.
LAMB: What do you think of Oliver Stone?
Dr. PIPES: Well, Oliver Stone is an extreme conspiracy theorist, but
he's a playful sort. I'm not saying that playful is without
consequence or without damage, but he isn't really--he's not someone
who's poor, he's not someone who's a political extremist, but he's
playing with these ideas. I think it's harmful because at stake is
how you and I see the world. Are we gonna look at it straight or are
we like the conspiracy theorists who are gonna say, `Things are not
what they appear to be. There's someone out there who's trying to
web--to--to spin a web of--of intrigue against us'?
LAMB: You said a--conspiracists rely on the book.
Dr. PIPES: The book is very prominent, yes. There are those who
rely on radio and television, Internet, newspapers, magazines, word of
mouth, but ultimately, books have been the key documents in the
development of conspiracy theories. And over and over again, you find
that conspiracy theorists, the ones who are really devoting their
lives to this, whether they be on the far left or the far right or
aestheticists--they invariably say that it was a book that changed
their lives. They read something and they came out a new person.
It's like a--a--a conversion from something into something else, from
one religion into another religion. Now that's--that's--that's only a
small number. Most people don't give up their normal lives, give up
their families to de--devote themselves to pursuing conspiracy
theories. But I think it's indicative of the kind of seriousness and
importance that people attribute to these ideas.
LAMB: Where are you from?
Dr. PIPES: I'm originally from Cambridge, Massachusetts, Boston
area, and I've got degrees mostly in history and in Middle Eastern
studies. And actually, this book was preceded by a previous book also
on the subject of conspiracy theories but on the theories in the
Middle East. It's called "The Hidden Hand." It came out from St.
Martin's Press in 1996. It's a bigger book, it's a more detailed
Here, what I could do was build on the works of many other authors.
There's a--a--substantial literature on conspiracy theories in Western
history, American and European. In the Middle East I was all my own.
Middle East--I took up this topic because if you look around the
Middle East today--Saddam Hussein, Ayatollah Khomeini and all the
other major figures--almost every one of them is an adherent of
conspiracy theories, and they have moved history. They have led to
wars, repression, terrorism. And so I tried to understand what this
mentality signifies and where it comes from, and I found, in tracing
back where it comes from, it comes from the--the West, it comes from
Europe. And I started researching that and I realized that my book
was getting too big. I put it away, and then an editor at the Free
Press suggested that I turn that European section into a book, so
this, in a sense, is an afterthought.
LAMB: Cambridge, Massachusetts, for how many years?
Dr. PIPES: Oh, I lived there from birth till I was almost 30. My
family's connected to Harvard.
LAMB: Doing what?
Dr. PIPES: My father is a professor--was until recently a professor
of Russian history.
LAMB: His name?
Dr. PIPES: Richard Pipes.
LAMB: And did you grow up in that--did you go to school up there?
Dr. PIPES: I did, went to Harvard, yes, undergraduate and
LAMB: What'd you study?
Dr. PIPES: ...taught there. I studied history. I studied partly
intellectual history, which is what this is, the history of ideas. In
this case, history of very bizarre and corrupt ideas but ideas
nonetheless. And I studied the Middle East.
LAMB: And what was it like growing up in the home of Richard Pipes?
Dr. PIPES: Well, it was a--a intellectual, highbrow, fast-paced
LAMB: Were there others in the family besides you?
Dr. PIPES: I have a younger brother, yes, but h--he opted out of
this particular line of work.
LAMB: And what did you get your PhD in?
Dr. PIPES: I got it in the history of the Middle East. And my first
book, my PhD, was on the early history--the very origins of Islam,
trying to understand how Islam, which is a religion, can have such a
widespread impact on the life of Muslims. So I took up the topic of
the use of slaves as soldiers and why, only in the Muslim world, do
you find the systematic use of slaves as soldiers? From India to
Spain, throughout the Medieval period, slaves were used as soldiers
and nowhere else on a regular basis. And I asked, `How could this be
connected to Islam?' and m--several of my books since then have been
in Islam and its role in politics.
LAMB: Now does your family go back to Europe somewhere?
Dr. PIPES: Yes, both my parents came from Europe in the '40s.
LAMB: Where?
Dr. PIPES: From Poland.
LAMB: You have, in the book, a lot of references to the Protocols of
the Elders of Zion. What were they? What is it?
Dr. PIPES: The Protocols is quite an extraordinary document. It was
a forgery probably put together by the Czarist secret police, their
Okhrana, in the 1890s--late 1890s--for rather special purposes, to
convince the czar that the liberals were working against his
interests. It languished for some 20 years, and after World War
I--after World War I is a key period for conspiracism--in a turmoil,
an upset of the postwar period, these protocols, the--this forgery,
was translated into German and had a major impact on German thinking,
and then spread from Germany around the world. And it alleges that
there is a group of Jewish leaders who get together and plot out their
control of the world. It's very turgid. It's hard to read.
LAMB: How big is it?
Dr. PIPES: A hundred pages or less. It's ha--it's a--it's a--it's a
challenge. I mean, it's--it's not exciting reading. It's not
something that I think most people have actually read who ref--who
cite it. It's--it's tough.
LAMB: Have you?
Dr. PIPES: Yeah. I made my way through it. I had to, but if I
could not have...
LAMB: Translated into English?
Dr. PIPES: Yeah, it was translated into English right back there in
1920, '22, so I read the--the kind of classic translation of it. It
had an impact in this country as well. For example, Henry Ford was a
great proponent of the protocols--again, the book, key. And he later
recanted and by 1927 said it was a forgery and he wished he hadn't
supported it, but it was a bit late at that that point.
LAMB: The original Henry Ford Motor Company?
Dr. PIPES: That's right, Henry Ford, the founder of Ford Motor
Company. The fi--the protocols are still hawked here, for example, by
the Nation of Islam, by Louis Farrakhan's organization. But by and
large, it'll be found in a non-Western world. They've actually become
best-seller in place likes Lebanon and I believe in Japan. And they
keep on coming back.
LAMB: Today?
Dr. PIPES: Yeah. Well, not--not right today, but in 1970s and
not--not so long ago. They keep coming back. They're proven over and
again--over and again to be a forgery, and yet, they keep coming back,
and they can't be stomped out. And actually, conspiracism has a lot
of forgeries, a lot of documents--pseudo-documents that keep coming
back and prove the point that there really is a Jewish or secret
soci--society conspiracy.
LAMB: Let me ask you about the protocols, though. Y--y--you're a PhD
and you're intellectual and think about all this stuff, and you say
it's tough to get through the protocols. Why would a--a mass
population buy it or why would they be a best-seller?
Dr. PIPES: I don't think--you know, that's one of those documents I
don't think people actually read, but they're told what's inside it
and they--and they believe it. I mean, it's simple idea that this is
a gathering of Jewish leaders who are plotting out their control of
the world. But actually to read it is another story.
LAMB: As you're wading through it, though, what do you--what do you
read about? What's--I mean, why is it so hard to understand?
Dr. PIPES: Well, it's not exactly hard to understand, it's just
boring and turgid, sort of long-winded and with lots of excursuses.
It's not written in a style that would keep your attention, and
there's some--there's some bizarre ideas in there--for example, the
notion that the 1890s was when the first subways were being built
around the world and there was some worry that these subways would be
used by revolutionaries, and in the Protocols, the so-called elders
are saying, `Well, let's use the subways to bomb the cities,' an idea
that dates back a century ago--no one would think of it now, but full
of--full of strange ambitions.
Actually, the book--what makes it even stranger is that the book was
largely plagiarized from a French book, a liberal French book
attacking the repression of the dictator Louis-Napoleon III.
Strange--this is not so unusual. Conspiracism is full of strange
connections where one person takes from another, steals his ideas,
turns them around. Th--there's no--there's no quality control. The
books wander off, say contradictory things, make declarations without
supporting them. It's--it's--it's a very difficult world to--to
analyze because analysis is not what this is about. It's about
LAMB: I--is there any conspiracy that you believe in?
Dr. PIPES: Well, cer--certainly conspiracies do take place, and
there are even conspiracies to take over the world. And here we get
to an interesting point. The only real conspiracies--or almost only
real conspiracies are counterconspiracies. In other words, if I'm a
conspiracy theorist, I believe that this is a good way of operating,
an effective way of operating. And therefore, I'm inclined to operate
this way myself, and that's precisely what you find.
Take Hitler. He believed in a Jewish conspiracy to take over the
world. What he did to counter that alleged Jewish conspiracy was to
create a real conspiracy, the Nazi Party, and he a--apparently took a
number of ideas from the alleged Jewish conspiracy and made them part
of his Nazi movement, and the Nazi movement was an attempt to take
over the world. Take Lenin. He believed in a business conspiracy, a
conspiracy of business interests to dominate the world, to extract,
steal goods at--at--at cheaper--or for free, for the same reason:
Because he believed in conspiracy, he himself organized a conspiracy,
the Social Democratic Party in Russia, which, in fact, took over
Russian government and was a--an attempt to take over the world.
So over and over again, I find that the--the conspiracy theorist
becomes, himself, a conspirator. And that in most cases, the real
conspiracy, the one that actually takes place, follows from the
actions, the mind of a conspiracy theorist. So there's a--a circle.
And so my policy conclusion from this is when you hear a conspiracy
theory being alleged, watch out for the conspiracy. Look around
LAMB: A--by the way, where are you now?
Dr. PIPES: I'm in Philadelphia.
LAMB: Doing what?
Dr. PIPES: I'm editor of a journal called Middle East Quarterly and
director of a small think tank that houses that quarterly.
LAMB: What's the name of that think tank?
Dr. PIPES: Middle East Forum.
LAMB: Why is it in Philadelphia?
Dr. PIPES: Just 'cause I landed there, previous job, and have been
there now for some 12 years.
LAMB: And how big an operation do you have?
Dr. PIPES: It's quite small. It's--we put out a journal and do some
research, but it's small by Washington standards.
LAMB: And where have you been in your professional life?
Dr. PIPES: I've taught at Harvard and at the University of Chicago,
at the Naval War College. I've worked in the State Department and
been head of the think tank and now I'm editor of the journal.
LAMB: And what did you do in what State Department?
Dr. PIPES: I was in the Reagan State Department and I was in a
couple of positions--policy planning and other positions, mostly
having to do with the Middle East.
LAMB: When your--did you say your mother and father both came over
from Poland?
Dr. PIPES: That's right.
LAMB: What year?
Dr. PIPES: Father in 19--mother in 1940 and father in 1941.
LAMB: What was the reason?
Dr. PIPES: Escaping the Nazis.
LAMB: Does that have any impact on you and why you're doing all this?
Dr. PIPES: Well, I'm sure it has some impact, but not directly. I
mean, as I said before, the direct reason was trying to understand the
politics of the Middle East today. And one thing led to another and I
ended up in this topic, which in a way is familiar because it's
intellectual history of Europe, which is a favorite topic of mine.
But I'm sure I'm influenced by other factors as well.
LAMB: Do you have a family?
Dr. PIPES: Yes, I do.
LAMB: Kids?
Dr. PIPES: Yes.
LAMB: How many?
Dr. PIPES: Two chil--two--two--two girls, 12 and 10.
LAMB: What's your wife do?
Dr. PIPES: She is working at the University of Pennsylvania.
LAMB: Teaching?
Dr. PIPES: Working at the hospital.
LAMB: Council on Foreign Relations, Trilateralists, Federal Reserve,
international bankers--I just wrote that down, reading through
this--we hear a lot about that on this network from callers. They
think there is, in all this, one-worlders. They run the world. What
do you think?
Dr. PIPES: I think that these are organizations that are not
terribly strong, not p--terribly powerful; that these are
organizations of like-minded people, people of social affinities and
get together and talk about the things that interest them. One of the
key characteristics of the conspiracy theorist is he confuses the
powerful and the powerless.
The Soviet Union, Nazi Germany--he'll say, `Well, they're not really
all that powerful,' never mind that these are enormously influential,
powerful totalitarian states with huge armies and arsenals. The
Council on Foreign Relations, which is a group of like-minded people
who meet together and have study groups and listen to talks, is deemed
an all-powerful organization. The United Nations, which can barely
scrape together a budget from year to year, is deemed all-powerful.
It's a typical mistake of the conspiracy theorist. Things are not
what they seem to be; therefore, the weak is really the powerful, the
powerful is really the weak. It's a very consistent mistake.
LAMB: Have you ever been a member of the Council on Foreign
Dr. PIPES: I am indeed, yes, member of good standing and--and some
of the talk shows I've been on, I've been accused of being a
one-worldist and being employed by them, in effect, to make people
unaware of--of the real conspiracy.
LAMB: A--a--and you...
Dr. PIPES: All I can say is that my salary is not being paid by them
and that's the key point here. The--the Council on Foreign Relations
has no influence over its members.
LAMB: But you know people right now are saying, `Ah-ha.'
Dr. PIPES: Yeah, right.
LAMB: `We got this guy. We know where he's coming from.'
Dr. PIPES: Yeah, that's right. Well--but I had to apply to become a
member. I had to have a few friends vouch for me that I'm someone
they wanna have. They decided I was someone they wanted to have. How
does that mean--whe--where is the influence over me? In other words,
there's no control...
LAMB: Well, let me take--let me take you through it. They--y--you
all are of like minds, you all meet--how often do you meet?
Dr. PIPES: No, we're not of like minds. We're of very different
minds. I mean, the majority of the members, I'd say, are liberal.
I'm conservative. I worked for Reagan. The--major debates. It's a
group of some 2,000-plus people who are interested in foreign affairs,
from the world of business, universities, think tanks...
LAMB: No, but the theory is you--you belong to the same organization,
you come in and out of government, you all go to the same clubs, all
eat at the same restaurants eventually, wink at each other, write each
other's contracts, you know...
Dr. PIPES: Well, that is a theory, but it also goes beyond that.
It--that--that the council actually can make or break your career and
so that I, as a member, must do what the council tells me to say.
Well, let's just start with the power. That's the--the--the power
nexus. I mean, where is the power nexus? What do--I pay $210 a year
to be a member of the council, and I have some free dinners and I get
a free subscription to Foreign Affairs and I go there once in a while
for talks. But there's power nexus here. It's just like joining any
other club.
LAMB: Why do you belong anyway?
Dr. PIPES: Because it's a nice organization to belong to and it is a
good place to meet people, and it is somewhat prestigious. And the
council's been good to me. I was a fellow there for a while and I've
met lots of interesting people there. But it's not a key to my life.
LAMB: How about the Freemasons?
Dr. PIPES: Yes, Freemasons are another source.
LAMB: What are they? Are they still active? What's the conspiracy
theory around them?
Dr. PIPES: Another major source of conspiracy theories.
Freemasons--their origins are somewhat murky, but they go back to
about 1720 as an organized group in London. They, in England and in
the United States, by and large remain quite a tame organization in
terms of their rituals and their proclamations. But in the
continent--France and Germany especially--they came up with all sorts
of wild permutations. And already in the 1760s, '70s, there were lots
of fears that the Masons, who were, again, a social group, but at that
time, quite a distinct one because in the 18th century, there were
very few opportunities for people of different social backgrounds to
get together and talk about public issues. And Ma--Masonic lodges
were a place where they could do it.
LAMB: But what kind of work did you have to do to get into them or
Dr. PIPES: You had to be a respectable member of society, male and
non-Jewish, by the way. But that...
LAMB: What about Catholic?
Dr. PIPES: Catholics were welcome but were not, by and large,
allowed by the church. Church very much discouraged it. It's
basically a Protestant organization, flourished in the Protestant
countries, by and large, though not exclusively, and it had a
function--had a real function. Today it doesn't have all that much of
a function. There's so many places for people to meet. But because
of the extravagant qualities of the Masonic lore, the suspicious, the
conspiracy-minded said, `Ah-ha, here is the source of power.' And from
the late 18th century, two centuries ago, 200 hundred years ago, until
today, this is one of those themes that keeps getting repeated and
repeated and repeated. There are other organizations which are even
more obscure. The Illuminati existed for eight years, from 1776 to
1784--interesting and relatively influential group in its small way.
LAMB: Only eight years in history?
Dr. PIPES: Only. And it remains the bogeyman of so many of the
conspiracy theorists who are determined to find that it has a presence
and an influence even today.
LAMB: Where was it from?
Dr. PIPES: It was in Germany--in southern Germany, and it was
founded by a--let's say a militant secularist and someone who came out
of the Masonic tradition. And he had great, grandiose ambitions for
his Illuminati organization, but the state repressed it and it was
LAMB: What does Illuminati mean?
Dr. PIPES: Enlightened, illuminated. The--the real turning point
was the French Revolution. The French Revolution was the greatest
event hitherto in human history. It was huge and it was chaotic. In
retrospect, today we look back on it and understand it as the result
of many conflicting forces, and no one clearly--no--clearly, no one
planned it out. It happened. It followed its own trajectory, its own
But at the time, the opponents of this event, of this transformation
of French life believed that there had to be an explanation, a
rational step-by-step explanation--the chaos--they had no place in
their interpretation for chaos. And a significant number of them
said, `Well, the French Revolution was planned in advance by the
Illuminati, the Masons, the Jacobins and others, and they planned it
out step-by-step. And it's the legacy of that interpretation and the
books--one book in French, one book in English--came out almost
exactly 20 years ago that we're now still reeling from. They created,
they memorialized and--and put on paper these ideas. And as I said
before, the best illustration would be Pat Robertson's 1991 book,
which is a regurgitation of these 1790s ideas. They're modernized, of
course, the examples have changed. But the themes and even the
perceived enemies are to a very great extent the same ones.
The ideas don't go away. And I like to compare it to astrology,
'cause in astrology there is a vast literature, and it's all very
reasonable and logical if you accept the premise, the premise being
that the alignment of the stars when you're born are gonna affect your
temperament and your life. Accept that temperme--accept that premise,
everything else makes sense. Here you've got to accept the premise
that nothing is a de--is as it seems to be. You've to accept the
notion that there's some force out there that's working against you.
And if you accept that, then all the rest of it is perfectly sensible.
But the problem is the premise.
LAMB: The world's most important conspiracy theorist was?
Dr. PIPES: Clearly, the most important conspiracy theorist was the
French abbot who interpreted the French Revolution as a conspiracy.
He goes by the name of the Ab--Abbey of--the Abbot of--A--Abbey de
Barwell, Abbot of Barwell, and wrote a big book--four volumes. Had a
major impact, sensation and it--translated into some 18, 20 languages.
LAMB: What year?
Dr. PIPES: A best-seller, 1797-'98.
LAMB: Have you read it?
Dr. PIPES: I've read it and--I can't say I've read the whole thing.
It's vast. It's mad.
LAMB: Now why is he the world's most important conspiracy theorist?
Dr. PIPES: I see him as roughly analogous to von Clausewitz in
strat--in strategic issues or Adam Smith in economic studies. He's
the original writer, the one who developed the field, the one who
gave, in some ways, the most brilliant analysis that has never been
superseded. And so with de Barwell, he came up with a vision of
conspiracy that was profound and--and captivated many people.
Now interestingly, his interpretation of the French Revolution was
purely secret society, no Jews. But after he wrote the book, some
years later, he also started dabbling in anti-Semitism. And he is, in
a sense, also the originator of the anti-Jewish conspiracy theories.
So both traditions--the two traditions both go back to him.
And it--I--I'd like to note that those two traditions are very strong
and they exclude virtually everyone else. You don't find a
anti-German conspiracy theory, an anti-Russian, an anti-Vatican, an
anti-Japanese, an anti-Chinese, an anti-Islamic, an anti-Hindu. They
just don't exist. Oh, once in a while, someone will say something,
but as a constituted tradition that goes back decades, if not
centuries, they don't exist.
It's Jews and then Israel, it's secret societies--Templars, Masons,
Illuminati. Then that turns into the British and American
governments. So it's these five actors--Jews, Israel, secret
societies, British and American governments--who keep on coming up as
the conspirator.
LAMB: You say there are only three countries that suspect and hate
their own governments.
Dr. PIPES: Then what's interesting, if you--if you just look at the
governments, the Israeli, British and American governments, there's a
widespread suspicion that these governments are engaged in a
conspiracy against the rest of the world. Again, not the German, not
the Russian or anyone else. And they...
LAMB: How long has that been going on?
Dr. PIPES: That's been going on for at least a century--well, not in
the case of Israel, but Britain and the United States. Britain is the
first, United States and then Israel. I--it--it's a 20th century
phenomenon. Then what happens is that the inhabitants of these
various countries--Israelis, Britons and Americans--absorb these ideas
themselves. And what you have uniquely among Israelis, Britons and
Americans is a suspicion that their own government is engaged in a
worldwide conspiracy. And you have the development of an adversarial
culture be--on left or right, be it the militiamen on the right or the
m--the weathermen on the left, people who see the jackboots of the
American government everywhere and see it as a force that not only
wants to repress Americans but take over the world. It's very strange
and--and very limited to the three--three countries which are
suspected of being conspirators.
LAMB: When did you become a conservative?
Dr. PIPES: I always have been. My--my political education was in
college. I was in college from 1967 to '71, the...
LAMB: Harvard.
Dr. PIPES: Harvard--the years of rage and revolution. And I thought
they were mistaken, and taking that position, arguing against the
radicals, was my political education. I was all the time wondering
why I'm in this tiny minority that's against the--the--the revolution.
LAMB: What's your father's politics?
Dr. PIPES: Not too different from mine.
LAMB: How much impact did he have on the way you think?
Dr. PIPES: Well, again, you know, it's--no doubt he had impact. But
at the same time, there were many other fathers whose politics were
similar to mine and their children were radicals, so I'll take some
credit for not having been wild-eyed about the place of America in the
world and...
LAMB: Who are y--either your favorite conservatives in history or
contemporary, for that matter, or your favorite--what's your theory of
conservatism? I mean, the traditionalist vs. social vs.
Dr. PIPES: I'm somewhat on the libertarian side of things. I--my
impulse is to have minimal government. I think so many of the
problems of the 20th century have resulted from a government that's
too large and too powerful. In fact, one of the books I quote at some
length in "Conspiracy" is a book by Rommel called--I actually can't
remember the name of the book, but it's about the role of governments
in killing people--their own people--throughout the 20th century. He
cups um--he comes up with a figure of some 170 million people killed
by their own governments--not in war, not by opposite governments, but
by their own governments. I think that's the great tragedy of our
century. I think what we've been learning from the century is that
government needs to be restrained. And in that sense, I'm a
LAMB: Follow anybody in particular that--history of conservative
Dr. PIPES: Oh, some of my teachers, in a sense, would be Friedrich
von Hayek and Sir Karl Popper, both from--brilliant analysts.
LAMB: Did you know Hayek at Chicago?
Dr. PIPES: No, I didn't. No. No, I didn't.
LAMB: I wrote down the numbers, 169 million in the 20th century
killed: Soviet Union, 62 million; Chinese, 35 million; Nazis, 21
million; Chinese nationalists, 10 million; Japanese, 6 million; and
the Khmer Rouge, 2.4 million. What's that say about anything?
Dr. PIPES: Well, this figures into my book because what I found is
that genocide, the mass killing of people, invariably includes a
conspiracy theory. The only way in which a population can be
mobilized to murder millions of people is by seeing them as vermin, by
seeing them as non-human. And that, in turn, requires a conspiracy
theory. It requires pushing them outside of humanity, seeing them
as--as an evil force that's determined to take over.
We know best the Nazi case, where the Jews and--and some other
peoples, Slavs, were put in that position. But it also applies to the
Communists and the--and other nationalists--and nationalists who rely
on conspiracy theories to turn the opponent into a non-human who must
be killed.
LAMB: You've--you've got conspiracy theorists on the right and on the
left, and I just wrote a bunch of them down. On the right you have
Hitler, Mark of Michigan, Farrakhan. Was Lindbergh on the right?
Dr. PIPES: Yeah.
LAMB: Conspiracy theorist?
Dr. PIPES: I'm not sure.
LAMB: Then you say on the left, Pierre Salinger, Gary Sick, Noam
Chomsky, Ramsey Clark, Gore Vidal, Oliver Stone, Susan Faludi, the
Bolsheviks, Lee Harvey Oswald, Lyndon LaRouche, Hodding Carter,
Seymour Hersh, Robert Perry, Christopher Hitchens. Some of those are
recent and probably don't think of themselves as being conspiracy
Dr. PIPES: Well, a couple points. First, I'd--I'd wanna separate
out Hitler and Stalin from people working in current America. They
are special cases, but I think they are very important as the paradigm
of what a conspiracy theorist can become, ruler of his country and
someone who dominates his country and possibly can dominate the world
through the vision of a conspiracy.
A second point would be that the right tends to be the far right, the
hard right, tends to be very explicit about its conspiracy theories,
talks about them, whether it be Hitler or the American far right. The
left is far more subtle. And perhaps the--the--the best illustration
of this is Stalin, who was maniacally conspiracy-minded, and yet, he
somehow or other fooled everyone to the point that it was only three
years after his death when Khrushchev gave his famous speech in 1956
that the party and then the world became aware of what Stalin had been up to.
And so, too, in American life, the right tends to be crude and overt
in its conspiracism. The left is elegant and sophisticated and
subtle. And so take Noam Chomsky vs. Mark of Michigan. Mark of
Michigan is a janitor by day and he has loudmouth ravings. Noam
Chomsky is one of the brilliant intellectuals of this century, a man
who changed our understanding of the human mind, a fluent polemicist
who's written book after book on important subjects. Sophisticated is
an understatement. And yet, his view of the United States government
is as conspiracist as Mark of Michigan. So there is this mirror
imaging on the two sides, and yet, the left gets away with a lot more,
in large part because of the elegance with which it purveys its
conspiracy theories.
LAMB: Seymour Hersh--what do you think of him?
Dr. PIPES: I don't remember actually including him in the book as a
conspiracy theorist.
LAMB: W--y--y--maybe it's not fair to say he was a conspiracy
theorist, 'cause I wrote down you have other leftists. You call
Hodding Carter a leftist...
Dr. PIPES: I...
LAMB: ...Seymour Hersh, Robert Perry, Christopher Hitchens.
Dr. PIPES: Oh, I th--I see. You're--you're making reference to the
"October Surprise." This was a theory that became prominent in 1991,
when Gary Sick took a full page in The New York Times to argue that
candidate Reagan back in 1980 had conspired with the Iranian mullahs
to keep the American hostages in Tehran so that Jimmy Carter would be
humiliated and Reagan would win the election. Some 10 years later,
1991, Gary Sick offered this conspiracy theory, and a whole lot of
people jumped on it and said, `This must be true.'
It turned out not to be true. It was clearly not true, even before
looking at the evidence, but the evidence made it all the more certain
that it wasn't true. Yet it was a classic example of the l--the left
trying to delegitimate a conservative. Reagan's position as president
was challenged in this rather circuitous way by these left-wing former
aides and others who didn't like him.
LAMB: No truth to any of it?
Dr. PIPES: No truth whatsoever, no, none.
LAMB: How many years did you serve in the Reagan State Department?
Dr. PIPES: I was just there for one.
LAMB: One year.
Dr. PIPES: One year.
LAMB: Why did you do it?
Dr. PIPES: I did it 'cause I was interested in seeing what--what
life is like in--in Washington in the State Department.
LAMB: What was it like?
Dr. PIPES: Well, I don't know that it's--I learned anything terribly
surprising, but as someone who'd always been on his own writing, it
was very interesting to spend a little while in the halls of power and
see how decisions are made, what the Washington culture is like.
LAMB: What kind of thing did you do there?
Dr. PIPES: I worked on the Middle East and policy planning
primarily, what we should be thinking about and what the larger issues
LAMB: Did you come away with any new view of government and how it
Dr. PIPES: Well, the major point that I came away with that's
relevant to our topic today is that--how chaotic it is, how who knows
who--how important that is, and how unideological so much of it is,
and how a position like policy planning is almost an oxymoron. I
mean, you don't plan policy, it just happens as things spin out. And
that--the conspiracy theorists who see some grandiose plan being
effected by the government are just completely off base. It's
just--it's a chaotic--it's a chaotic institution and never manages to
see something several chess moves ahead in the way that the conspiracy
theorists imagine it can.
LAMB: Who does then have power when it comes to international
Dr. PIPES: Well, what's so striking about the United States is the
fact that power is well distributed. I mean, we have lobbies, we have
Congress, we have the press. We have all sorts of people who are
involved in making foreign policy, far more so than the case of other
f--other governments where, really, the foreign ministry is in charge.
Here it's an open process. It's remarkable to see how individuals
without money, without credentials but with a lot of passion and who
learn their subject can really make a difference.
LAMB: You have some little sayings that you write down in the
beginning of the book and one of them is from Joseph Stalin: `I trust
no one, not even myself.'
Dr. PIPES: Yeah, that's a paradigm of conspiracy thinking.
He--he--it's--it's a literal quote from him. He was an obsessional
conspiracy theorist and tens of millions of people paid their--paid
the price of their lives for that.
LAMB: How many did he kill in the end?
Dr. PIPES: Well, you read the figure before. One estimate is
something like 60 million--well, not him alone, but in his time,
something in the order of 40 million. The numbers vary greatly, but
it's clearly in the tens of millions, people not in war but within the
Soviet Union itself. He is a classic case of someone who was a
conspiracy theorist and, therefore, also a conspirator or we can maybe
turn it around--a conspirator and, therefore, also a conspiracy
But the--the web or the--the--the connections between the conspiracy
and the conspiracy theory are very thick, to the point that, as I was
trying to understand this, my head would hurt, because where I
distinguished between the actual conspiracy and the fear of
conspiracy, when you're dealing with an all-powerful ruler, it--it--it
becomes almost inextricable. When you're dealing with a--a--a loner,
a conspiracy theorist living in a small farm in--in Idaho, well, you
know, you can easily distinguish between his thinking and what's
happening in the country. But when you're dealing with Stalin, who
dominated the country to an extraordinary extent, it's hard to make
that distinction anymore.
LAMB: Did you s--have you studied him a lot?
Dr. PIPES: Mostly in the context of this book.
LAMB: What was he like?
Dr. PIPES: He was someone who could disarm his opponents. He didn't
come across as someone extremely dangerous. They would let down their
guard, and he would cut them off, and he did it time and time and time
again. And people were, to the end, unaware of what he was doing.
LAMB: What was his motive?
Dr. PIPES: His motive was absolute power. His motive was to
institute a--a kind of utopia that he imagined, a utopia in which the
communist strictures would be followed as he def--as he interpreted
them. But power--power. Anyone obsessed with power sees enemies
everywhere, and he saw them everywhere.
LAMB: You talk quite a bit about two fairly--well, not quite a bit
but enough that I wanna ask you about them--two men in history that
have big names. Cecil Rhodes, the Rhodes scholar initiator--what was
he in history? Why did you write about him?
Dr. PIPES: Cecil Rhodes was a great colonial--colonialist, someone
who was eager to expand the British empire and someone who had
considerable success in finding diamonds and other precious minerals
in South Africa. He believed that the British government should
expand and expand and was quite overt about it. There are a number of
cases--Benjamin Disraeli would probably be the best case--of...
LAMB: Who was he?
Dr. PIPES: Benjamin Disraeli was a British prime minister in the
'50s and '60s--1850s and '60s. He was a brilliant writer, just
generally a brilliant parliamentician. And he would play with
conspiracy theories and he would make statements in his books,
sometimes fictional, sometimes on the floor of the House of Commons,
about the conspiracy to control Europe. And these remain 150 years
later important proof texts for conspiracy theorists to say, `Aha,
look, Benjamin Disraeli said it.' And there are others like this.
There was a case of a book that came out the 1960s by Carroll Quigley,
a well-known professor at Georgetown, in fact, I think, a professor of
Bill Clinton's, important book--"Hope and Faith," I believe it's
called, big book, 1,200 pages. And in there, there's a passage or two
in which he talks about there being a conspiracy with the Council of
Foreign Relations, and he rather approves of it, and he was part of
it, and he talks about it like that. And so the--these curious
statements once in a while by people who should know, who've claimed
to know that there is, in fact, a conspiracy. And this heartens very
much those who believe that there is, in fact.
LAMB: It--Disraeli was Jewish, but he did something about that.
Dr. PIPES: No, he--he was converted as a child by his father, so he
was always a Christian in his adult life.
LAMB: Did he ever acknowledge that? I mean, was there anything
around that--the Jewish part that became an issue back in those days?
Dr. PIPES: Well, not really. I mean, he--he was proud of being of
Jewish origins, and he thought Jews were great people. But he also
thought that--he also proclaimed that there was a Jewish and sometimes
a secret society conspiracy--very playful, I think; not very
responsible but having fun. And people seized on it as a very serious
LAMB: When did the issue over the Jewish conspiracy change from being
the way it was in the beginning about the--the origins--the s--the
death of Christ and all that? When did it move into another realm
where it was just a hatred of the people?
Dr. PIPES: Th--when did it move into another realm, become
LAMB: No, what year was it, like, for instance, it became like
Hitler, `I wanna exterminate Jews'? It had nothing to do with Christ,
it had something to do with the way he felt about the people.
Dr. PIPES: Well, anti-Semitism in the course of the 19th century
became an ism of its own--really from about 1870 on. There's a whole
literature now defunct and forgotten, but in researching this book I
came across all these books that--it was interesting to see that the
library hadn't--hadn't had a use of it or it hadn't been taken out of
the library for some 40 or 50 or 80 years, 100 years, even. These are
books that are forgotten but at the time were important sources of
pseudo-knowledge about Jews that there is a concerted effort among
Jews to take over Europe.
Now this was the time that Jews were emancipated, were leaving the
ghettos and joining the mainstream of European life, and were quite
successful. And so people who hitherto had been seen as remote,
alien, dressing a different way, speaking a different
language--Yiddish--following their own customs, now are integrated and
were successful in business, were successful in journalism, the arts.
And this movement out of the ghetto and into mainstream life was
feared by some who interpreted it as part of a conspiracy to dominate.
And the literature developed so that by the 19-teens when, for
example, Adolf Hitler encountered this literature, it was a full-blown
body of ideas, which he absorbed, and many others as well. Quite
respectable, significant figures on--in the political world, the
religious world, intellectual world espoused these ideas, and it--and
it--it reached its--its culmination with Hitler. He took it in ways
it hadn't been taken before. He made it unapologetic, he made it
murderous in a way that it had never been before. But it built on
a--an ideology that had been around for some decades.
LAMB: How do you th--what's it like in the world now for Jews?
Attitudes? Anti-Semitism?
Dr. PIPES: Well, more broadly, let me say that I think that
conspiracy theories, while they peaked in the 1940s, have really
declined since then and they've moved to the margin--or two margins:
the margin politically in that you do not find, in the Western world,
responsible figures espousing conspiracy theories, and if they do,
they get marginalized. Ross Perot would be a good example. He lost a
lot of standing when he started talking about conspiracy theories.
Pat Robertson would be another. You can't get very far with this.
It--it--it flourishes at the extremes, it is still dangerous at the
extremes, but it's not operational. You don't have decisions made by
the US or European governments along conspiracist lines.
But the theories also move to the margins geographically. They left
the West; they went to places like India and Iran and Haiti and the
Philippines, where they are, indeed, very important, and indeed, this
is how I started my study of it, because it's so important in the
Middle East today. So the--the general scene is, I think, a good one.
The conclusion I draw is that we have learned something. We paid an
enormous price for these conspiracy theories, but we in the West are
no longer still prey to them, and with luck, it won't be too long
until peoples in other parts of the world will also graduate out of
So by and large, things are better, and certainly for Jews, to get
back to your question, the situation is far better than it was in the
early years of the century--first half of the century.
LAMB: In the back you have a--three appendic--pendix--ap--three
appendices--appendix C, 60 greatest conspiracies of all time you list
and you can find it at [Site no longer functional – ed.]. I mean, you
alm--you alm--I--you almost have to buy your book to find it.
Dr. PIPES: You do.
LAMB: How did you find this Internet site? Did you--did you go in
and look at it?
Dr. PIPES: Yeah, I spent some hours--many hours trolling through,
surfing through the Internet to find these bizarre places.
LAMB: Sixty greatest conspiracies of all times.
Dr. PIPES: I think that one is somewhat tongue-in-cheek.
LAMB: Yeah, you say it is here.
Dr. PIPES: There are people, such as the author of that cite and the
book related to it, Jonathan Vankin, who is both a conspiracy theorist
and someone who has fun with them, and it becomes a little murky at
times what he actually believes. He--it--it's that--it's that general
area of intrigue and fascination, somewhat lighthearted, somewhat
serious, not terribly consequential, except that it can get people to
see the world in this conspiratorial fashion, and that can lead to
evil consequences.
LAMB: What are some of the less-serious conspiracies that you enjoyed
reading about that never went anywhere?
Dr. PIPES: Well, I don't know if I actually enjoy any of them, but,
no question, the most popular of all is the Kennedy assassination,
which people can lose themselves in. There are so many arcane
details--there's such a body of knowledge to learn about it. You can
learn about ballistics, you need to learn about anatomy to understand
what happened to the president and to Governor Connal--Connally, you
need to learn about the geography of Dallas, you need to learn about
the con--the subsequent lives of the people who are connected to the
Kennedy assassination. There's a theory that many of them died soon
after it. There's such a body of evidence to learn, and people become
specialists on this. It's very interesting. People who otherwise are
not terribly intellectual become intellectuals, become specialists,
scholars, as it were, or pseudo-scholars, of this body of knowledge.
LAMB: What about Area 51? Did you study that?
Dr. PIPES: Area 51's another good one. Not--not as popular as--as
Kennedy, but the notion that an unidentified flying object landed in
Roswell, New Mexico, just over 50 years ago, very, very intriguing and
growing, probably, in--in its reach.
LAMB: Do you ever listen to the all-night call-in show that talks
about all this?
Dr. PIPES: I'm afraid I don't.
LAMB: Never heard it?
Dr. PIPES: No. Only so much I can do. It's a huge--huge topic.
LAMB: Hundreds of radio stations carry this show across the country.
Dr. PIPES: Yeah. Yeah.
LAMB: Never heard it?
Dr. PIPES: No, I'm afraid I didn't. The UFOs isn't exactly central
to my concern here. It's secondary. The--the main concern I have is
with politics.
LAMB: This is a small thing, but I noticed in the notes that you
capitalize certain names and then--and then sometimes I think Gary
Sick's name was both capitalized and in lowercase. Wha--what's that
all about? I don't know if we can show the audience what you did, but
what were you trying to do here?
Dr. PIPES: Well, precisely because there is this pseudo-scholarship
that so closely mimics conventional scholarship, I thought it
important to indicate to the reader w--who the conspiracy theorist is
and who the conventional analyst is, and I did it by putting the
conspiracy theorist into small capitals. It--sometimes there's
a--there's, as you say, a fairly subtle distinction in that some
authors will appear, at times, in capitals and at other times in
normal letters. But most of the time it's pretty clear. But you'll
find that some of the books are published by reputable publishers,
have all the apparatus of a scholarly book, with footnotes and
appendices and bibliographies and all the rest, and yet, are
stark-raving mad.
LAMB: Up here you have a dedication. This is to Sarah Pipes, an avid
reader. Who's Sarah Pipes?
Dr. PIPES: She's my older daughter, she's 12 years old, and she is,
indeed, an avid reader and I thought this was a nice way to--to note
that publicly.
LAMB: How much does she read?
Dr. PIPES: Oh, she reads everything she gets her hand on.
LAMB: And what did she think when she saw her father dedicate a book
to her?
Dr. PIPES: Well, we had, actually, a little conspiracy to keep--to
keep this from her. Everyone knew it but her, and then finally the
book came a couple weeks ago and I had the pleasure of giving it to
her. Everyone else knew that it wa--it was dedicated to her and she
didn't, and I think she was delighted by it.
LAMB: Did she find it on her own?
Dr. PIPES: Yes, she did. Yes, I just gave her the book and she
found it on her own. And--and now it sits on her shelves in among all
the books that you'd expect a 12-year-old to have and here is this
rather serious-looking paperback, quite a bit larger and quite
different in appearance from all her other books.
LAMB: What's next for you?
Dr. PIPES: I'm doing a book now on what I'm calling Muslim America.
I'm co-authoring it with someone else, and we're looking at Islam and
the United States, both Nation of Islam, black converts and
immigrants, and trying to assess this phenomenon, its importance, its
implications. It's a--it's an--a growing and, I think, significant
new phenomenon in the United States. Raises all sorts of issues that
haven't existed before.
LAMB: And in history, where are we--I asked you about the Jewish
situation, but where are we in history about conspiracism or
conspiracies compared to what you--you know, all the years that you
studied it?
Dr. PIPES: I think things are basically going well in that the
terrible consequences of this phenomenon are declining. People are
becoming, slowly over time, aware that this notion that there's an
enemy out there, that things are not what they seem to be is very
harmful. And people are somewhat more commonsensical than they used
to be, and common sense is the key. The only way to battle this--this
illusion is through common sense.
LAMB: Now this cover, did you have anything to do with this?
Dr. PIPES: No, I didn't. I'm rather pleased with it, though.
LAMB: Do you have any idea what the picture is?
Dr. PIPES: I believe it's to be some men, murky, shadowy, having
illicit relations with each other. In short, conspiring.
LAMB: Was this posed for this cover?
Dr. PIPES: These are dolls, I was told, that there's an artist in
New York who has dolls that can be used for all different sorts of
LAMB: Our guest has been Daniel Pipes and the book is called
"Conspiracy: How the Paranoid Style Flourishes and Where it Comes
From." Thank you very much.
Dr. PIPES: Thank you.
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